= + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = = [SeiRruf's Image Host has been Discontinued!] = = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + =
> > > After many years of service, traffic has slown to a point where this specific webpage and script is just no longer useful in keeping afloat. As a direct result, SeiRruf's "ImageHost" has been closed. < < < [Will There Be a Replacement?] = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Very likely! but for now, I'm choosing to keep low on having to moderate another image hosting platform. If, and when the new replacement does arrive, I'm planning to have many more features be available which will make the page a bit more useful, or at least streamlined to uploading and distributing images. [What Happend to my Images?] = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = They're probably all still here! I'm looking to hold onto all images for up to 1 year from this closing date (May 1st, 2022) just in case. All un-backed up images will be surely lost after this time, or possibly even sooner. If you are seeking something, please reach out on twitter (@SeiRruf) with the link to the image and I will be happy to retrieve that for you while possible! [What Lead to This Decision?] = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Year after year this service went unused. Those images that were here received little to no traffic. Occasionally, bots would abuse the service with imagry which no one should have to see. Not to mention, the name "Image Host" was a quick and dirty name assigned somewhat 9 years ago and I've never really felt too attached. The new service may have its very own domain and better service name, should it eventually continue. Thank you for the memories! <3